This article provides a comprehensive list of acupuncture points, locations on the body used in acupuncture, acupressure, and other treatment systems based on Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). == Locations and basis == (詳細はmeridians, pathways which run throughout the body and according to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) transport life energy (qi, 氣). TCM recognizes twenty meridians, cutaneous and subcutaneous in nature, which have branching sub-meridians believed to affect surrounding tissues. Twelve of these major meridians, commonly referred to as "the primary meridians", are bilateral and are associated with internal organs. The remaining eight meridians are designated as "extraordinary", and are also bilateral except for three, one that encircles the body near the waist, and two that run along the midline of the body. Only those two extraordinary meridians that run along the midline contain their own points, the remaining six comprise points from the aforementioned twelve primary meridians. There are also points that are not located on the fourteen major meridians but do lie in the complete nexus referred to as ''jing luo'' (經絡). Such outliers are often referred to as "extra points"〔Deadman, P, Baker K, Al-Khafaji, M. 2007. A Manual of Acupuncture, 2nd Edition. Journal of Chinese Medicine Publications. ISBN 978-0951054659.〕 Although many hypotheses have been proposed, the anatomical and physiological basis for acupuncture points and meridians remains elusive.〔Napadow V, Ahn A, Longhurst J, et al. 2008. (The status and future of acupuncture mechanism research. ) J Altern Complement Med 14(7): 861–869.〕 Hypotheses include neural signaling, with possible involvement of opioid peptides, glutamate, and adenosine, and correspondence to responsive parts in the central nervous system; or mechanical signaling, with involvement of connective tissue (fascia), and mechanical wave activation of the calcium ion channel to beta-endorphin secretion.〔Yang ES, Li P, Nilius B, Li G. 2011. (Ancient Chinese medicine and mechanistic evidence of acupuncture physiology ). Invited Review. Pflügers Archiv: European Journal of Physiology.〕 In practice, acupuncture points are located by a combination of anatomical landmarks, palpation, and feedback from the patient.〔 Twelve Primary Meridians: Eight Extraordinary Meridians 奇 經 八 脈 (奇 经 八 脉), qí jīng bā mài (qí jīng bā mò): 抄文引用元・出典: フリー百科事典『 ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 ■ウィキペディアで「List of acupuncture points」の詳細全文を読む スポンサード リンク